♡ bird doctor ♡

freelance artist

♡ about me ♡

i'm rian, a young guy from the states who loves video games, coding, drawing, singing, and more!!

i am an aspiring concept artist/animator, please message me if you have an opportunity for me or are interested in my work!!

♡ commissions ♡

my commissions are almost always open!!
check out this carrd for more information!!

art trades are open for friends and mutuals!!

requests are occasionally open on my twitter!!
follow me to get updates about them!!

♡ contact ♡

commissions: website + twitter: birddoctorart
toyhouse: birddoctor + newgrounds: birddoctor
all links [linktree]: birddoctor + discord: birddoctor#5326
email: [email protected] + donate/request an art piece: kofi